The District of Sechelt takes pride in supporting a vibrant arts and culture community. We are home to the Sunshine Coast Arts Council and Arts Centre, as well as the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden. Our Public Art Collection contains works dating back to 1902 and is on display year-round. The annual Sechelt Arts Festivalsupports both local and off-Coast artists Read more...
EXPLORE THE ARTS + CULTURE LANDSCAPE OF THE SUNSHINE COAST The Coast Cultural Alliance’s role is to enhance arts and cultural tourism on the Sunshine Coast and to project a single, strong voice for local culture. The Alliance includes groups and individuals from the visual, performing, literary, and media arts on the Sunshine Coast. ARTS & CULTURE EVENTS ON THE Read more...
Take a walk throughout downtown Sechelt, BC, to discover a variety of colourful murals and locally made sculptures. We recommend you start your walk at the Sechelt Visitor Info Centre, and finish at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre gallery. This guided tour includes highlights of the District of Sechelt’s Public Art Collection as well as murals located on various businesses Read more...
2024 SECHELT ARTS FESTIVAL Beginning in 2024, under the guidance of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council, the Sechelt Arts Festival connects art, ecology and climate change. We envision art as a means of calling attention to relationships – to our local ecologies, to our companion communities, and to the land, air and waters that make this part of the world Read more...
Founded in 1966, the mission of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council is to provide arts and culture activities and programs for residents and visitors to the Lower Coast, from Langdale to Egmont. Since 1970, we have operated the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt, which includes four gallery spaces, a music studio, and a visual arts studio-workshop. In 2021 we Read more...
We are located uniquely at the centre of the Sunshine Coast. We are a very proud museum as it is managed by our Shishalh people. We give a in depth tour, telling our history and culture to all that enter. The museum artifacts are found in our land, thus giving it the name Tems Swiya which translates to Our World Read more...